Friday, April 25, 2014

A&A Europe - Pregame Strategies

Axis & Allies Europe (1999)

Pregame Strategies

Game: Axis & Allies Europe (1999 Edition – 2nd Edition Rules Updates)

Opening Strategy

In this edition, more so that in others, speed and expansion are critical. The Allies far out-earn Germany. This is not an easy game to win and Germany must act quickly and get lucky.

There are three basic directions Germany can go: 1. Successfully invade USSR. 2. Successfully invade UK. 3. Even the money-board and level earning power between the nations by taking advantage of the Middle East rules and the Convoy rules.

1. Invasion of USSR. Germany must get to Moscow. Leningrad and Stalingrad are of little value as far as IPCs go and if taken, Germany can only build 1 unit per turn in these locations. If Germany can take them easily, it is good to take away locations where USSR can build an unlimited number of units and transfer other Allied pieces to USSR pieces.

2. The Battle against UK. Germany has the naval advantage to begin with, but USA & UK earning power will make it difficult to obtain enough of an advantage to successfully mount a proper invasion. Still, Germany must occupy UK and force them into building units to protect themselves as opposed to building to help USSR.

3. The Battle of the Atlantic. Target Convoy spaces. Build submarines and target all transports. Must make it difficult to transport Allied forces into Africa and Western Europe.

4. The Battle for Africa and a route into the Middle East. Germany needs the Africa IPCs plus the Middle East to compete economically. By taking IPCs directly from the Allies, Germany has a chance to even the game. If Germany fails in the Middle East, Allied earning will be too difficult to overcome.

1. Focus only on defense against Germany. Don't get trapped into defending every space. Attack and retreat, open routes for Allied units to land in USSR for reinforcement. 

If USSR can simply slow Germany down, there is little need to attack. Let USA and UK wear Germany down and slowly take away IPCs. If things go well, all USSR has to do is survive.

2. Using the city territories at attack points – create a back and forth of attacks and retreats? Build up a large tank brigade and fighters so we can strike and destroy German infantry, but keep falling back as necessary. This way Germany can move into the Baltic States and Eastern Poland, but hopefully their offense stalls well before reaching Moscow.

3. Taking advantage of the city territories and special factory rules. Be willing to sacrifice a city for a turn or two, but keep large armies intact for eventual counterattack and to protect Moscow. Germany won't be able to build

4. Taking advantage of Allied units in USSR. If UK and USA can land fighters and bombers, USSR gains strong attacking and defensive units. Then all USSR IPCs can be spent on infantry.

UK doesn't begin with enough IPCs to combat Germany everywhere, so they have to pick their strategy carefully and protect themselves against any attempted Operation Sea Lion attack. Early rounds usually involve building infantry to protect UK, a few naval pieces to help USA in the Atlantic and a few fighters for attacking, defending, or for transferring it USSR.

1. Atlantic.
    a. Fighters and Naval units to battle Germany. Hopefully setting up--

2. Landing Attacks.
    a. Norway.
    b. Europe.

3. Africa / Middle East: This is a crucial area and not easily reinforced. UK must use their limited navy and land units to slow Germany until USSR can help reinforce the area or USA can land in Morocco.

4. Transferring units to USSR: A later round strategy. This can mean sending land units to USSR through Norway and Finland, or landing fighters directly into Leningrad.

This game often allows USA to play a simple supporting role. Because USA moves last, much of their strategy ends up being reactionary. This can be different from other editions of AA where the USA player must have grand strategies and often must take on more of the heavy lifting. In this edition, USA can simple react to Germany's moves and strike where Germany is weakest. 
Going into this game, USA has simple goals: react and counter Germany in the early rounds, and then get support troops to UK and USSR to help protect Allied capitals from invasion.
Some common options:

1. Navy First: USA has the resources to spare, so their first job is to out-build Germany and win the battle for naval superiority in the Atlantic.
     a. Clear the Atlantic of German submarines.
     b. Protect Convoy spaces.
     c. Prepare for land invasions.

2. Land invasions: the best choice is usually obvious based on German weakness.
     a. Landing men in Norway with the goal of taking German IPCs and sending men to USSR.
     b. Landing men in UK for added defense.
     c. Landing men into Europe for a direct attack on Germany (usually in later rounds).
     d. Landing men into Africa with the goal of taking German IPCs, opening a path to Italy, or 
         the Middle East.

3. Air Force: USA has enough resources they can also add in extra air force units.
     a. Bombers to attack German factories.
     b. Fighters to help defend UK and attack German surface naval units.
     c. Extra fighters to transfer to USSR to help build their attack and defense capabilities.

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